
The Public Service Commission briefed KEMSA Management on revised sections of the Human Resource Management policies to ensure compliance.

Guyo Joljola, Deputy Director Public Service Commission explained that the review seeks to guide operations in government institutions by clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of both employers and employees.

“The government wants to inculcate a culture of performance management in public service to ensure civil servants efficiently and responsibly deliver services to mwanachi,” said Guyo.

He noted that the revised policies have considered employees concerns including; better terms of services, remunerations, allowances, leave, complaints redress mechanisms and provides a detailed guideline on how these should be enforced.

Adhering to these guidelines, will ensure smooth flow of operations and enable employees to discharge their duties effectively for improved service delivery.”

Guyo affirmed that when employees understand and are aligned with the human resource management policies, any disruptions in processes can be swiftly identified and resolved.

Moreover, consistency in practices benefits employees individually, providing clarity on their responsibilities, expectations, and the support they can expect from their employer.

This sensitization exercise comes at a time when the Authority is reviewing its Human Resource tools to create a fit for purpose institution to streamlines its operations.

It empowers KEMSA management to review and align its Human Resource Policies to best practice hence excel in driving its mission and vision to support the Governments Universal Health Coverage in line with the Bottoms-Up Economic Transformation Agenda.