County Services
Under the devolved system of government, KEMSA embraced devolution of the health function to the Counties. In order to align to the devolved health function and to ensure public health facilities access medical commodities, KEMSA put systems and structures in place to ensure County health facilities access quality, reliable and affordable Health Products and Technologies. As a strategic national stakeholder, KEMSA plays a pivotal role in ensuring seamless supply of essential healthcare products to health facilities across the country.
KEMSA has clustered counties into five regions for effective customer engagement and deployed Sales and Marketing officers in the regions for effective coordination and support. We collaboratively engage with our customers in updating our product catalogue in line with the Kenya Essential Medicines and Medical Supplies lists, changing customer needs and market trends.
KEMSA offers vital support to counties in order management through its web-based Logistics Management Information System (LMIS 3). Through the LMIS 3, we provide our Customers with Visibility of Health Products and Technologies stock availability and real time order processing updates throughout the Order Processing Cycle.
We support capacity building initiatives including Data and Commodities Management trainings, and Continous Medical Education programmes to healthcare workers, in collaboration with our stakeholders and industry experts.
KEMSA has entered into MOUs with the Counties for a streamlined working framework and effective service delivery.
High quality Health Products and Technologies
We offer a diverse range of products and Technologies to meet customer needs.Customer-Centric Approach
with the deployment of our sales and marketing team across the Country, we provide ongoing support to ensure that our clients receive the attention and assistance they deserve.Affordability through cost effectiveness
we aim to provide cost effective solutions for our clients and maximize the value they receive through bulk sourcing.